In order to be listed on the NRI, a river must be free-flowing and possess one or more Outstandingly Remarkable Values (ORVs). Thus, the eligibility analysis consists of an examination of the river's hydrology, including any man-made alterations, and an inventory of its natural, cultural, and recreational resources. There are a variety of methods to determine whether certain resources are so unique, rare or exemplary as to make them outstandingly remarkable. The determination that a river area contains ORVs is a professional judgment on the part of the interdisciplinary study team (IDT), based on objective, scientific analysis. Input from organizations and individuals familiar with specific river resources should be sought and documented as part of the process.
In order to be assessed as outstandingly remarkable, a river-related value must be a unique, rare, or exemplary feature that is significant at a comparative regional or national scale. Dictionary definitions of the words "unique" and "rare" indicate that such a value would be one that is conspicuous example from among a number of similar values that are themselves uncommon or extraordinary. One possible procedure would be to list all of the river's special values and then assess whether they are unique, rare or exemplary within the state, physiographic province, eco region, or the other area of comparison. Only one such value is needed for eligibility.
The area, region or scale of comparison is not fixed, and should be defined as that which serves as a basis for meaningful comparative analysis; it may vary depending on the value being considered. Typically, a "region" is defined on the scale of an administrative unit, a portion of a state, or an appropriately scaled physiographic or hydrologic unit.
While the spectrum of resources that may be considered is broad, all values should be directly river-related. That is, they should:
· Be located in the river or on its immediate shorelands (generally within 1/4 mile on either side of the river);
· Contribute substantially to the functioning of the river ecosystem; and/or
· Owe their location or existence to the presence of the river.
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